Thursday, August 15, 2013

08.15.13 (The Day I Found Out I'm Going To Peru!!!!!)

I'm going!!!

Amy messaged me this morning and said that she would send me a formal email today or tomorrow, but that I got the internship as long as I get good grade in my Accounting 2020 and Finance 3400. And believe me, I WILL do good on those courses. I'm going to Peru!!!!!!!!! :D

Can't wait.

So stoked.

3 months of pure Peru-ness.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

08.14.13 (The Day I Felt Crappy Cuz It's Been Forever Since I Posted Anything)

It's only been two weeks, so get off my back.

I got a scooter :)

Had my interview yesterday for the Peru internship... It went alright, he didn't love the fact that I got a C- in Accounting, but there's still a good chance I'll get the internship. I've definitely got to get better grades in my other accounting and finance class though if they're gonna let me go. Hopefully I'll find out soon!

Things with Annie and I are going swimmingly.
Loving my phone.
Took Bumper to Second Dam the other day.... Maybe I'll post a video if I get the chance on a functional computer.

I love this puppy.

I love this puppy :p

Friday, August 2, 2013

08.02.13 (The Day I Actually Deleted Candy Crush From My Phone)

I did it. I deleted Candy Crush from my phone and thus saved my life. I was just so sick of being addicted I deleted it while I was at work yesterday. Life is already looking up :)

Not a lot gone on the last couple days... Nate found out he has to pay way more insurance on his scooter than he thought because of a few tickets that he's got, so he doesn't ride it around anymore. He says I can test drive it, and eventually just buy it for him for cheap. I think that really might be a good option. It's not a great scooter. Actually it's a pretty crappy one. But if I can get around for a lot cheaper than I am now, I'm in!

I just need to get my motorcycle license, and figure out how to tell my mom haha.

I sold my old phone today! For $50, which was more than I had originally planned on. So, yes, I had to say good bye to my good ol' Huawei Mercury. It was a good phone. Until this last month. Still having technical difficulties on this stupid computer at work, so no picture today.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

07.27.13 (The Day I watched Panama Beat Mexico)

It's been a long couple days at work. It's been slow and I just haven't been much in the mood. But that's life I suppose. We just started phone payment plans which is good, but we're still shaky on the process so we'll see how that goes.

It's raining, which is nice.

Oh and you better believe that I'm on level 89 on Candy Crush. I don't mess around.

I talked to Amy about the internship the other day. She says she's gonna try and get me an answer, or at least an interview this week! If she doesn't let me know anything by Friday I'm supposed to Email her. Here's for hoping! I just want it so darn bad.

The USMNT plays tomorrow against Panama in the Gold Cup final!! I'm really happy that Mexico lost to Panama, but I think I would have preferred having the honor of having the US waste them in the final instead. Oh well. Mexico losing is Mexico losing and you won't see me complaining :)

And also, my phone isn't transferring pictures onto the computer... so I guess no picture today. :(

Thursday, July 25, 2013

07.25.13 (The Day We Picnicked On Campus)

Yesterday was the 24th, so Annie and I went on a date picnicking up on campus! We didn't have silverware, so we just slurped our fruit jello out of the cups and ate our pasta with the empty fruit cups. After that we went to my parents and watched the U.S. own Honduras in the semifinals of the Gold Cup. The final is on Saturday against whoever won last night in the Mexico/Panama game. I'm gonna watch that game tonight while Annie-bananny's at work.

After that we lit off some fireworks that we'd bought, and headed back to her place to learn some Spanish and to watch Psych.  It is CRAZY how fast she catches on to the Spanish stuff, and how good her accent is already. She's gonna have no problem learning it if we actually go to Peru next summer. It's awesome. And I love teaching it too!

I'm bored at work. Surprise surprise right?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

07.23.13 (The Day I Got A Galaxy S III)

I got a new phone!!!! And I hate myself for it. But also, I love myself for it because it's the nicest phone I've ever had. And It's so so so much better than my other one. So much. :)

16 Gigs of ROM!!!! My Mercury had 2. It's awesome. I feel happy inside.

I'm probably driving Annie nuts talking about it and playing with it :S  It'll pass... maybe. I might just be obsessed for the rest of my life.

Annie and I went to her sister's house and watched Wreck it Ralph and played with her nephews which was awesome, and now we've just been hanging out at my apartment watching Grey's and eating junk food we just bought at Walmart.  Ran into Paul's parents, which was awkward.

Monday, July 22, 2013

07.22.13 (The Day I Played Candy Crush For Forever)

It's been a couple days. Oops.

Yesterday was interesting; we went to Alisha's farewell talk, which was slightly awkward for both Annie and I cuz she talked about me a bit at the beginning. Well, I found it entertaining, Annie not so much.  We went to her church after, and had yummy parfaits at the linger-longer. Then, of course, came 5 episodes of Grey's Anatomy and the USMNT game against El Salvadaor (5-1).

Today me and Annie played Candy Crush and Words with Friends for a solid 3 or 4 hours till she went to work. I slept in till 11:15, that felt super nice! I get tomorrow and Wednesday off, so it's a well needed break!

Anyway, now I'm just watching North By Northwest (an Alfred Hitchcock movie) and hanging out with the parents until Annie gets back from work.

I think I'll be moving home this fall, gotta save up some money!